ST_Squirrel, squirrel

SQUIRREL, Squirrel…what is distracting you from your focus?

 August 2018

Have you ever noticed how easily we get distracted from what we thought we were going to get done in a days’ time?  You start off with good intentions or a list and one thing leads to another and it is time to go to bed.  I have found that this seems to be my life story…days, weeks and months go by and if I don’t look at my calendar I couldn’t tell you what I have done.  I would often wonder how this happens?

Our sweet dog taught me a lesson on this one day when I was sitting on the back porch with him.

He would be very peaceful, sitting on my lap when he spotted a squirrel on the fence.  Off he went, totally forgetting the petting and love he was getting.  He would come back after the squirrel ran away and off he would go again as soon as one appeared.  This became a favorite phrase for us in our home.  Any time one of us would get distracted we would just call out to the other “squirrel, squirrel”.  (of course, this would also make the dog go to the window looking for one)

What are your squirrels?  Is it your phone? Facebook? Television?  Emails?  Unopened mail? Phone calls? Texts? Stacks of papers or magazines? Video games?

I have been able to decrease my distractions by setting limits on myself.  One of my downfalls has been scanning Facebook for the latest news on my friends and family.  If I am truly honest with myself there is a little bit of ego involved with how many people notice my posts.  I decided to eliminate it off my phone and leave it only on my tablet since I don’t look at it but maybe once a day.  My next distraction seemed to be emails.  I only look at them 2x a day, once in the morning and once at night.   By doing this I have been able to shift my focus.  Oh and the papers, books and stacks of other paraphernalia!

As I will share off and on I went thru a process of narrowing down my 5 most important things/areas in my life.  I decided to make them my daily focus.






I now look at this list EVERY morning and decide on one thing I can do to improve/focus on each area every day.

I may read spiritual material (I always take time to pray and meditate daily).  I may exercise or make sure I have the food for our meals that day (I plan a menu monthly). I will send a card, email or call someone daily to stay focused on relationships that are important in my life.  My home is a story of itself as I am always looking at ways to purge and embrace it, only using healthy & biodegradable cleaners.  Our finances are an area that we look at as far is being sure our money supports companies and causes we believe in.  These are just a few thoughts on what my day looks like and how I can find focus and balance in a chaotic world.  Even when we travel I will be sure to have note cards, notebook for inspiration and find ways for us to focus on our health.  I no longer buy momentos along the way choosing to take pictures instead.

I encourage you to look at the five most important areas of your life and stay focused on them.  Each of us will have things that are more important to us.  Some will have their career as one of their primary focuses. If your career is one of them try to keep a balance with it and not let it consume all your energies both physical and mental.

After you look at what is the most important to you …. what distracts you from focusing on these?  What are your “squirrels”?  Become aware of them and started finding ways to decrease them in your life.

Living a life of JOY, PURPOSE and LOVE begins with decreasing our distractions from the important things in our lives.

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