Reset, Renew and refocus

These three “R’s” are not the ones I learned while in school, but they are what I choose to enter the New Year with.  This has been one of my traditions for many years, to remember the past year, regroup and refocus on what I wish to create in the upcoming year. To be intentional with my time and energy.

The week between Christmas and New Year’s I reflect on the past year, the lessons learned, the opportunities that have presented themselves and how I might have influenced them.  I reflect on those people that have passed from the physical form, not only loved ones but those in the public that have affected me in some way.  I remember my relationships and how I have enjoyed them and how I could do better as a family member, friend, wife and person of service.  I start thinking about how I might be able to start the New Year with greater clarity.

I will hit the reset button after deep reflection on how I would like to regroup and refocus on things what is important to my life.  This year in my reflection I realized   I that I was not focused on my gift of service thru helping others live a healthy lifestyle and appreciate their individuality.   In my review I found I have become much more authentic with myself and others.  I now own my power better, not losing it to be accepted or please someone.  I also have looked closely at the “love unconditionally” and how I might not always show up with love.  These are ongoing lessons of life for me.

Resolutions are the buzz word at the beginning of each year.  I let go of that self-imposed guilt trip years ago since usually for me they would last a few weeks, often a few days and then be forgotten.   

 I am refocusing on the important areas of my life.  I will share mine and maybe they will inspire you to evaluate what is important to you;

1. Spirituality; my connection with GOD as is my understanding, prayer, journaling and meditation.

2. Healthy relationships; beginning with myself, close family, spouse, friends, acquaintances’, community and the world

3. Healthy Living; food choices, activities, my thoughts and actions, also creativity & what that looks like for me. Writing and developing classes, booklets, blogs and sewing/quilting.

4. Healthy home; environmental toxins, is it cluttered, comfortable, reflects peace and tranquility, welcoming? A place of retreat for us.

5.  Heathy finances; spending with our consciousness, being good stewards of our many blessings, ways to increase my income that will serve both myself and all I interact with.

I have set a time aside on Sundays to plan for the next week.   I am now looking at my list of what is the most important and planning my days around them, knowing that life has a way of interjecting other things. This often helps me get clarity on what I would like to release, where to spend time, energy and resources.

These are the areas that are the most important in our lives, some may be the same for you   Is there a better time than now to remember, regroup and refocus?  What do you want to create in your life for 2020?