About Susan

Susan Torres RN, MH  Susan has been an RN for over 40 years with a varying background that always included her love for integrative medicine.  She has trained and is educated as a Master Herbalist, has studied, and is certified in plant-based nutrition at Cornell University.  She has completed training as an Elemental Space Clearer and Professional Clutter Clearing expert.  She has assisted many in making their homes reflect their lifestyles and desires.  Her mentor was a well known Native American author. She also has training using essential oils, aromatherapy, healing touch, is a Reiki Master, cranial sacral, lymphatic drainage, raindrop and color therapies.  She has helped many clients to lower their blood pressure, blood glucose levels, cholesterol and lose weight among other health conditions.  She does not prescribe or diagnose, instead she uses your medical history and lifestyle to make suggestions and educate you on ways that will enhance and help you live your life to the fullest.  To get started download her free health intake assessment form.
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Susan is trained to shift the energy within your home, business, or any other structures by using Elemental Space Clearing.  It has been documented in the New York times that shifting the energy can help with the selling of your home.  Other reasons to do this is to shift the stagnant energy within your home to improve the energy flow for abundance, health, and overall well being.  She is  also a Certified Clutter Clearing professional.

 She can be contacted at soulsoothers@gmail.com

What you can expect:

  • Education/recommendations to improve your health & lifestyle
  • Provide confidential, safe, non-judging listening place for you
  • Assist with clarity and removing personal blocks
  • Help develop an individual, workable plan for the client
  • Will work with your schedule

What not to expect:

  • There is no diagnosing or prescribing
  • Will not fix or do the steps for you
  • Will in no way blame, guilt or shame you