Releasing, Releasing, Releasing…..

Releasing, Releasing, Releasing…..

There is no time of the year more beautiful than fall in my opinion.  The temperatures start dropping, there is less humidity and cooler temperatures.  The air is crisper and there is excitement in the air.  Along with the temperature the leaves start changing colors to bright reds, mauves, oranges, yellows and then browns to go back to the sweet earth.  As the leaves turn color the trees start releasing them to gently float down to the ground.…releasing without dramas, without pain, releasing….releasing summer, releasing to hibernate for the winter, releasing to prepare for the changes ahead.  It seems like a good time for us to follow natures example.  Release, release, preparing for the next season of our lives.

This year has been so vastly different than any others in my life and probably yours too.    As I have been pondering all of this, I was looking at what I can do to shift my personal energy along with our home. What can be released to serve my highest good along with my family’s? Things seem stagnant, one day blending into the next.   I had to first get truly clear on what the word release meant for me.  At first, I was just thinking the releasing of things, decluttering items no longer being used.  As I thought more about it, releasing is the releasing of anything that does not serve our highest good.  So, from that point of view, it can be relationships, activities, commitments, thoughts, emotions to name a few.  It can also be toxins; from the body, home environment, foods we eat or toxic relationships.  We can be releasing the impromptu spending, google searching, FB scrolling, excessive junk mail received and endless email subscriptions.  There is so much we can release but where to begin?  This was a question I was asking myself.  Just the thought of all of it can be overwhelming.

My initial thoughts were to do a 30-day decluttering and then I realized that I wanted to release so much more.  I have done different decluttering challenges that were beneficial, but I wanted to go deeper.  I wanted, no needed, to have a real and permanent shift that would include releasing physical items but there was a restlessness that told me there is more.   Each day for the next 30 days I will be actively reviewing and releasing from my life.  It may be expectations (of myself or others), habits, thoughts, apps on my devices or media.  This will be a daily release to clear the mind, heart, spirit and physical home.

If you would like to join me on my monthly journey I will be posting a suggestion daily on our Facebook page Soulsoothers Healthy and Simple Living.  I would love to see you there and we can encourage each other.  Let us start releasing together!