It is never too late to learn, grow and be.  As we continue with the new lifestyle

of 2020 it seemed like a wonderful time to deepen my understanding of the Native American ways of clearing and embracing the space we are living in.  This began with researching Elemental Space Clearing with a Native American mentor.  I quickly learned that saging/smudging  is just the beginning step of Elemental Space Clearing.  I wanted to learn more so began my journey into a new certification process.  I signed up with a Native American that I have an extremely high respect for.

I learned that many can be sensitive to the smoke saging/smudging so there are alternatives.  You can use essential oils, incenses, or just plain intention.  The key is to know what your intentions are prior to the procedure.  I join my clients in setting the intentions and holding them throughout the clearing of each room.  I create an altar to hold the intentions either in the persons home or if long distance I will send them a picture of the altar.

I quickly learned that smudging a house, though greatly beneficial, does not usually entail feeling the energy that may be stuck.  As I practiced and learned I realized that I could feel energy from a handwritten floor plan and was really accurate at it.   I would ask my clients about the area. I could feel stuck, happy, or unhappy energy, along with a stickiness of some energies.  I would pick up on plumbing or other issues the owner was not aware of.  In one home I kept getting mixed energies, when I asked the owner it made perfect sense.  We worked together to develop a plan of action to clear the area further.


I have also decided to become a Certified Clutter Clearing coach.  I smile as I write this as I needed this for myself first and started working on our home. I have always been notorious for keeping things in case I needed them one day.   I am blessed that my hubby embraces and participates.  I cannot tell you how much lighter and happier our home feels.

If you are not happy with your home or you see cluttered areas my first recommendation would be to just start!  Start by clutter clearing for 15 minutes.  If that overwhelms you, start with 10 minutes, set a timer.  You would be amazed how much you can get done in 10 min.


I have a passion around doing this work.   Often it is overwhelming to try to do it alone, not knowing where to start.    If you need help just reach out to me.